FOODRIDE: the niche agrifood innovation chain - agricultural diversification, logistics, proximity trade


Agricultural fragmentation and lack of cooperation become a structural node for micro-farms. It is evident a lack of ability on their part, to develop diversified activities for income growth and their competitiveness, through collaborations with companies from different economic sectors. The solution is to create a microeconomic system through a B2B proximity supply chain. Where primary and / or transformed agricultural micro-productions are included in an economic, logistic, educational, nutritional, social and promotional prevention process with tourism companies, proximity trade and collective administration. A network for local rural development


We will carry out the following activities: the FOODRIDE Syndicate association (temporary association of purpose), a collaborative model for specific target economies, the systematization of joint processes: promotion, logistics, collective certification, training and preventive food education. The implementation of a platform and app for the integrated management of supply and demand and the experimentation of a distribution model based on the models of Intelligent Transport. Small scale agricultural diversification (new crops, fresh processed products, 4-range products. The management of the supply chain on a microeconomic scale for the construction of socially sustainable actions


Fragmentation of the agricultural sector and micro-size does not allow enterprises to participate in a price policy of the agri-food market. The GDO  market sets sales prices which do not reflect the cost of the products. Often this situation obliges farms to give up quality for quantity, to work against the environmental sustainability, to give up profit.  In order to generate income for micro-enterprises in the agricultural sector, it is necessary to develop new proximity markets, through new technical, operational and economic relations with enterprises in the tourism, resturants, food trade  and processing of food sectors.  The context highlights the lack of interdisciplinary training, the development of an intelligent logistics distribution system, eco-sustainable packaging, food traceability systems and storytelling. Tools and new technologies for managing bookings and local deliveries.

Action manager
Action manager
Dario Vallauri
Università degli Studi di Torino - Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Forestali e Alimentari (DiSAFA)
Action manager
Remigio Berruto
Oasi Giovani Onlus
Action manager
Gianfranco Saglione
Emme Fruit di Audisio Mario
Action manager
Walter Audisio
Podere del sole di Audisio Walter
Action manager
Walter Audisio
Società Agricola Maien società semplice
Action manager
Federica Conte
Rinaudo Alessandro
Action manager
Alessandro Rinaudo
Società Agricola Tetti Bussone società semplice
Action manager
Alessandro Giletta
Società Agricola Oddo Punto Verde Società Semplice
Action manager
Alessandro Oddone
Pratice abstract

With this innovation we intend to pursue the priority objective of the project, namely the strengthening of the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises and an increase in profitability.
Diversification is to be intended as the introduction of new crops and products as well as new commercial circuits closely linked to the creation of a short supply chain.
Organizational changes within individual companies and in the relationship between GO and local companies require the acquisition of new  professional and interprofessional skills (organizational, technical, relational, communicative, etc.) that can be filled through programmed training moments (flipped classroom).
Agricultural companies will diversify their production to be able to satisfy the terms of experimentation and the demands of consumers and economic operators joining the GO.
In addition to the seasonal planning of the crops, the individual farms will adapt the productions in concert with each other to cover the needs of the market, and will respect the rules laid down in the territorial mark (environmental clauses, packaging, logistics, etc).
In this way, high quality products that meet the conditions of the brand (fruit, vegetables, cheeses, salami, fourth-range vegetables) will be made available, and  will cover all the months of the year.
Acting within a short supply chain will facilitate transparency in the creation of the price and the decrease of intermediations ensuring a high quality to final consumers.


"The second innovation foreseen will concern the creation of the territorial brand, foreseen both at the process level and at the product level. The construction of the brand will be carried out with the participation of the three categories of recipients of innovations. The concertation and participation in the definition of the brand, will concern, in addition to the companies directly involved, local institutions, consumer associations and some other stakeholders). At the product level, the elements that will characterize the brand will ensure some added values that allow the diffusion and strengthening of the brand itself on the market and guarantee consumers high quality products. The benefits that will derive from the introduction of the territorial mark will be the following: 
- economic benefit (for producers) thanks to the valorization of local products and their direct sale
- qualitative benefit (for consumers) thanks to the promotion of high quality products and services
- benefit linked to the multisectoral integration of companies, including the largest number of local supply chains and products
- benefit linked to the horizontal and vertical integration of the economic realities of the territory (products and services)
- benefit linked to the promotion and dissemination of high value-added products and services to the public (in terms of quality, sustainability, usability)
- benefit linked to transparency, making the manufacturing companies accessible to the operators


A platform and related "mobile" application will be created and tested within the GO with recipients both companies that make up the GO and customers. The platform exclusively for B2B will be designed as an "agora" in which the buyer can view the availability, choose the products and make the orders. The platform will be accessible from the project website via username and password delivered to economic operators. The platform will allow the production of periodic reports on the quantity of products transited, on the km made and on their destination (bought by private individuals or economic operators). The reports will also cover the quantities of products processed and consumed in the context of the IV range experimentation. The App will instead be aimed at both economic operators and individual consumers. In the B2B part, always with a customized log-in, the economic operator will be able to perform all the operations that can be performed on the platform. The App will also be used for logistics management. In the public part the app will serve as a reader of the QR code present on the packaging to get access to the information on the product. The activities of storytelling, promotion and marketing as well as the satellite certification of origin will all be supported on the platform, through the use of videos, photos and documents related to the project.  The platform will also be a tool used in the training activities foreseen in the project. The teacher selects and assigns to the users of the GO multimedia resources related to the subject matter in order to provide an introduction, a conceptual framework, and assigns tasks to be performed, also through the FOODRIDE platform and the related APP.


The innovation in transport that will be tested in the Foodride project will be based on innovations that are part of the social innovation cases as well as on the involvement of disadvantaged groups. Through "Oasi Giovani" we would like to experiment a freight transport service managed in total autonomy by disadvantaged people. The other model concerns a social sharing service (for example similar to blabla car) applied to freight transport. Both modes will be characterized in a mode of collective transport of the products of all the farms involved, ensuring the shortest mileage possible. Logistics will consider  the joint production of all farms related to the needs expressed by the two processing points (4 range and sausage) and the economic operators involved. The challenge will be to produce on farms in a complementary and no longer competitive but synergistic way, exploiting economies of scale on a local basis. The packaging will be designed and implemented in a way that has low impact on the environment, at a low price and compatible with the needs of transport and food safety.


Promotion, marketing and storytelling will be implemented in an integrated and totally innovative way. In a video story the Foodride project and its products will be illustrated to the business world and to the citizens. The territorial brand will act as a bond / guarantor of quality and will be promoted in a coordinated way on all the means of promotion. A “social” approach characterized by multi-channeling and a responsive  website based on the project's operational platform will be some of the tools for promotion. Flyers, public meetings and stands in the city markets will be other tools for promotion. The most innovative approach will be explored by economic operators and consumers by reading the Qr  present on the packaging of all products. Through the Qr code you will have access to the description of the agri-food product (expiry date, nutritional values etc) to the visualization of the project's video story and information on the individual companies involved, as well as on exhaustive insights on the territorial brand  and the guarantees it offers to consumers.
