Mountain dairy farm contribution in a carbon sequestration


The objective of the Plan is to help improve the management of organic matter (OM) from dairy cattle manure in the mountains.
The plan aims to contain the losses of carbon into the atmosphere and increase the seizure as organic carbon (CO) in the soil. For this we will study solutions for a rational management of the waste, which permits the best use of the SO as a fertilizer, as well as the restoration of the CO content in the mountain soil, become very deficient. It intends to test the organization of an organic carbon chain that, starting from the fresh manure produced in breeding, arrivals to a material qualifies as a soil of good quality and with discrete fertilizers capacity.


Description of the organic C of the chain and of the feasibility study results, summarized:
with technical-economic and environmental feedback derived from technical actions.Chemical and physical qualification of manure obtained from the farm treatments and directions for the agronomic use. Dried manure defined for the production process, the instructions for use and the possible positioning on the market. Mapping of organic C and organic matter content of soil in the area of intervention of the GO. Application Protocols of agronomic techniques applied to each company. Milk carbonfootprint for the GO companies: Calculation of C sequestration in the soil. Milk production cost for the GO farms.


The GO Plan wants to answer the two thematic priorities working on the idea of organic carbon chain, creating an encounter between demand and supply of SO in morphologically difficult areas, but where animal husbandry is the only agricultural activities that can still give you income.

C.R.P.A. S.p.A.
Action manager
Maria Teresa Pacchioli
Consorzio di Bonifica dell'Emilia Centrale
Action manager
Fondazione CRPA Studi Ricerche
Action manager
Nuova Favale Società Cooperativa Agricola
Action manager
Società Agricola La Vecchia Torre s.r.l.
Action manager
Società Cooperativa Agricola Pratofontana Soc. Coop. r.l.
Action manager
Pratice abstract

The expected result from the OG 'Mountain carbon' is to preservation and increase of organic carbon and organic matter in the soil of upland Appennine Reggiano area. This priority result is catalyzed by all the actions proposed in the project. Specifically, it will be described of the organic carbon chain realizing the feasibility study with technical and economic evidence (Action 1). It will be experimentally product of high power manure and the same will be characterized for the most important chemical parameters (Action 2). It will also be experimentally the product of dried manure with chemical-physical characteristics useful to the purposes of use agronomic, this product will be provided of the evidence on the use and the possible its placement on the market also in order to create a value chain between companies GO partners (Action 3). The results relating to the action 4, provide evidence on the content of organic carbon and organic matter of the soil in the area of intervention of the GO and within the same action will be realized agronomic tests. The result of the action will be 5, the carbon footprint milk for the GO, farms the calculation of carbon sequestration in the soil and the cost of milk production for the same farms.

GO Carbonio di Montagna

Webinar conclusivo del GO Carbonio di Montagna

Emilia-Romagna, I Gruppi Operativi, Impronta carbonica, PEI-AGRI