Circular economy in agricolture: proper management of organic waste and farm self-production to increase the soil fertility of Marche's agricoltural land


The project proposes a radical change in the concept of agricultural waste which from management burden passes to the classification of ""co-product"". New technologies for the self-production of biogas, fertilizers, compost, feed and rice can be used for the correct management of organic matter and in order to improve the soil fertility, assessing its environmental impact in terms of CO2 stolen from the land.
The project provides an open-field demonstration of the effect of the application of various self-produced biomasses at a company level, on the fertility and health of the soil and on the improvement of the carbon content environmental balance as a result of the sink and save effect of CO2.


The activities are divided into two strands. The first concerns sustainable land management through the supply of organic substances and the use of conventional green manure and biofumigants. The second strand concerns the valorization of waste and is divided into three different fields of action. The first concerns BBP: extraction of functional molecules with high added value also for non-agricultural uses. The second is the realization of two prototypes: an anairobic microdigestor and a box for the joint collection of the waste directly on the field. The third field of action concerns the creation of a georeferenced by-products platform managed in collaboration with the Marche Chamber of Commerce


An investigation into a significant sample of farms shows that they are united by the production of organic waste or residues. It follows that currently all companies incur operating costs, but they can be enabled to be competitive and to produce high quality food. Behind there would be a simple modification of vision and management of the waste.
Our project is the transposition and expression of the most recent community directives and national strategies such as:

  • SEN 2030 (National Energy Strategy) which promotes the containment of energy expenditure, eliminate the use of coal, increase energy efficiency in the residential and transport sector;
  • the Decree 13/10/2016, n. 264 so called “by-products” decree, published on February 15, 2017;
  • the European DIRECTIVE 2009/128 / EC of 21 October 2009 on the sustainable use of pesticides, which has meant that organic waste no longer falls under the classification of waste, but in that of by-product.

In summary, the basic concept that can differentiate a competitive agricultural structure from one that undergoes competition lies in the optimization of company resources and the integration of production processes giving rise to closed farm cycles.
This allows an increase in self-sufficiency in terms of energy, production inputs (such as fertilizers, phytosanitary defense) and elimination of problems related to the disposal of residues at the end of the cycle, all of which has an effect on improving the quality of the soil, an increase in the quality of agricultural products and the realization of business economy.

Fondazione Opere Laiche Lauretane e Casa Hermes
Action manager
Mario Berrè
Ortenzi srl "Oro della Terra"
Action manager
Nazareno Ortenzi
Savoretti Massimiliano
Action manager
Massimiliano Savoretti
Università Politecnica delle Marche
Action manager
Francesca Beolchini
CREA - Centro di ricerca per Agricoltura e Ambiente - AA
Action manager
Lorenzo Davino
Istituto Tecnico Tecnologico Statale Montani
Action manager
Teresa Cecchi
Chimica Verde Bionet
Action manager
Sofia Mannelli
Legambiente Marche ONLUS
Action manager
Francesca Pulcini
Camera di Commercio, Industria, Artigianato, Agricoltura delle Marche
Action manager
Giorgio Cataldi
Pratice abstract

Creation of a prototype of a towed skip for the joint collection, directly in the field, of edible product and waste, in the horticultural sector. The waste will be used for the production of biogas with the anaerobic microdigestion prototype.


Creation of a low cost anaerobic micro digester prototype for biogas production for thermal use and self-production of fertilizer, starting from the organic cultural residues present in the company


Reuse of self-produced soil improvers for the purpose of increasing the organic substance of the soil, within an innovative cultural rotation plan that envisages the use of conventional green manure and biofumigant, specially modulated


Enhancement of agro-industrial waste and residues through the extraction of functional molecules with high added value, with use also outside of the agricultural sector


Creation of a "biomass model tool", an online platform interfaced with ArcGis, associated with an App and at the service of the Chambers of Commerce, to facilitate the exchange of residual organic material, to provide mapping and to promote large-scale management of the various agricultural residues in the Marche region based on the degree of efficiency of transformation into BBP, energy, etc.
