Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Forests and other lands


1) To assess ecosystem services (ES) of the the Natura 2000 areas that are including the forests owned by the Monte Nerone Forest Consortium; 
2) to determine the Payment of Ecosystem Services (PES) to be used as additional resources for the sustainable management for the conservation of biodiversity, and other ecosystem functions (water runoff and slope erosion control, climate mitigation, tourism and recreation, etc.).


The project aims to detect the main ecosystem services existing in the area, to identify the type of beneficiaries (farmers, residents, visitors, etc.) and to estimate and implementing the Payment of the most relevant Ecosystem Services (PES) identified in the area of pertinence of the forests owned by the Consortium.


The Forest Consortium Monte Nerone owns more than 1000 ha of forests almost entirely included in the SCZ of Natura2000 in the area of Mt. Nerone that require management limitations oriented to the conservation of biodiversity and of other ecosystem functions. This type of management is often costly and not always sustainable for landowners and one of the causes of land abandonment and the losso of biodiversity and of other ecosystem funcions. These costs could therefore be distributed among all beneficiaries of products and services, even at long distances, provided by natural resources occurring in Natura 2000 sites. The role of the Consortium is crucial to implement the synergic process of forest and environmental planning in order to guarantee the assessment of the forest functions and the suitable management, supported by the PES. The Consortium could therefore be the focal point to facilitate the process of conservation and valorization of the local mountain area.

Consorzio Forestale Monte Nerone
Action manager
Gabriele Pazzaglia
Impresa Verde Marche
Action manager
Alberto Frau
Università politecnica delle Marche - Dipartimento di scienze agrarie alimentari ed ambientali
Action manager
Carlo Urbinati
Fondazione Medit Silva
Action manager
Patrizia Pantaleoni
FederForeste - Federazione Italiana delle Comunità Forestali
Action manager
Gabriele Calliari
Pratice abstract

An innovative process will be applied for the conservation of forest biodiversity and ecosystem services (SE), as hydrogeological protection, provided by a specific territory that considers the perceptions of both the suppliers and the beneficiaries of these services. The project addresses the problem of the lack of resources for forest management aimed at biodiversity conservation and related ecosystem services (e.g. hydrogeological protection) of the forest stands of CF Monte Nerone (supplier) by identifying beneficiaries and determining the payment of the most suitable SE. This participatory process must comply with the principles required by law: voluntary agreement, additionality of interventions and permanence of the multiple environmental protection functions previously present. The BIOSEIFORTE project intends to apply this innovative approach in an area of ​​high naturalistic value where forest uses traditionally linked to wood production have drastically decreased, creating of abandonment processes that increase sensitivity to forest disturbances (forest fires, slope instability, extreme climatic events) by reducing the ecological value and the biodiversity.