LET'S START FROM THE WOOD Piedmont wood frame wall system


The project aims to trigger a profound change in the sustainable forest management, starting from what is considered to be the main problem: the ABSENCE OF AN ORGANIZED CHAIN. The project promotes the activation of a chain of valorisation of Piedmont wood for constructive use, triggering virtuous and innovative mechanisms both on demand and on supply. In particular, we want to prototype and experiment on a construction site a Piedmont wooden frame construction system for new buildings and renovations and refurbishing of existing buildings through a network of forest managers, transformers, builders, designers.


The project is divided into four fundamental actions:

  • Activation of a structured network of relationships between forest managers, sawmills, construction companies, designers;
  • Placement and training of the Innovation Broker figure, the network manager, with the aim of taking care of relationships, coordinating network activities, enhancing each partner within the network, ensuring quality results and well managed projects
  • Design, prototyping and experimentation in a construction site the Piedmonte wooden frame construction system
  • Communication of the project through participation in fairs, website, social media, final presentation event

Today the weakest link in the supply chain is its production base, that is the utilization and first transformation sectors, due to the scarce use of the national forest patrimony, the reduction of the areas destined to wood production outside the forest and the consequent dependence on the abroad for the supply of raw materials.

This criticality is also accompanied by a widespread political conception according to which forest resources are only an economic-environmental reserve to be conserved rather than managed, thus also limiting the use / management for productive purposes. In contrast, the number of wooden dwellings has increased fivefold between 2006 and 2010 and is still growing. Even medium-sized wooden buildings (from 3 to 8-10 dwellings) will increase significantly.

The wood / building supply chain, which mainly recurs abroad for the procurement of raw materials, must aim to reduce this strong dependence in a short-term time, by actively and responsibly enhancing and managing the extensive forest resources of our country, with also employment and environmental benefits for the country.

Therefore, sustainable forest management must reconcile the protection of the environment with a socio-economic development of the territory, using silviculture to conserve and improve the forest heritage. In this context, the activation of a Piedmontese wood value chain plays a key role. The strategies to be implemented are based on entrepreneurial skills and the presence, or otherwise, of an organized series of business services.

Terra di Casa cooperativa
Action manager
Diana Sartori
Valli unite del canavese
Action manager
Francesco Montini
Segheria Valle Sacra srl
Action manager
Francesco Montini
Pratice abstract

The types of innovations proposed are:

  • product innovation, design of a FRAME WALL PROTOTYPE SYSTEM
  • process innovation, structuring of an organized and integrated supply chain for the use and enhancement of local Piedmontese wood CREATION OF A NETWORK
  • organizational innovation, given the completely new way in which the network of companies realizes itself, its goals and the object of the proposal, through the figure of the INNOVATION BROKER
  • social innovation, given the expected impact on the territory and on local communities, through the construction of a REPEATED AND EXPORTABLE MODEL on other territories

